The Woodland Park HAL (High Ability Learners) students presented to the school board Monday night. Liz Spray recently took over this program and is working hard to challenge each individual student at their academic level. She has also worked with students on Multiple Intelligences. In the student’s presentation, each of the 9 students in the HAL program talked about which “Intelligence” or as Mrs. Spray would say, what “type of smart” they are. The students also asked each board member to take a short assessment on what type of “Smart” they were.
At the conclusion of the presentation, the students paired themselves with board members who had the same type of “smart” that they had. They discussed their similarities and then separated themselves in the room by their “Smart” strength. This gave a clear picture of all varying talents in the room as at least one school board member or student was in each of the 8 categories. All school board members were given a personal invitation from the HAL students to come and visit their classroom.