The local Norfolk High School FFA chapter sponsored their annual Farm Day on 3/23/2018. The event was held from 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. at the Chuck Pohlman Ag Complex on the Northeast Community College campus. NPS kindergarten classes visited Farm Day during school hours and the event was also open to the public after school. FFA members shared with participants the eating habits and characteristics of 10 different farm livestock (bunnies, chickens, cattle, pigs, goats, llama, etc). The participants also had the opportunity to see large farm equipment and experience sitting behind the wheel.
FFA members had the opportunity to share their love of agriculture with young students that may not have daily exposure to farm life, plus they practiced communication skills, time management, problem solving, and community service as they coordinated the event.
During the day 295 kindergarten students, 260 adults, and 203 non-kindergarten students attended the event.
A huge thank you to NECC for allowing Farm Day to be held at the Ag Complex and to First National Bank for a $250 donation to help offset the costs of the day.