
NPS Teacher Recipient of Dale E. Black Award

Lukas Ziemba, English Language Arts Teacher and Head Speech Coach for the Norfolk Senior High School, was the recipient of the Dale E. Black Outstanding Young Teacher Award at the Nebraska Speech Communication and Theatre Association (NSCTA) convention. This award is given for such traits as enthusiasm for work, scholarly integrity, knowledge of subject matter, innovation, ability to motivate and…

Officials Appreciation Week

September 27th through October 2nd is NSAA Officials Appreciation Week. Every year, in preparation for the season, these individuals attend clinics, participate in rules meetings, and take tests. During the season these dedicated men and women take time away from their personal schedules and families to provide opportunities for the thousands of student-athletes that participate in NSAA Activities. 


Deaf Awareness Month

September is Deaf Awareness Month, a time to celebrate the rich cultural history of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community and continue the work of advocating for the rights of Deaf people everywhere. 

“Deaf Awareness Month is important because it allows both Deaf and Hearing allies to come to celebrate the diversity of Deaf Culture, which is rich in history, language, and traditions,” said…

September 2021 Award of Excellence Winner

The the winner is....

NPS ESSER III Use of Funds Plan

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III (ESSER III) funds are being provided under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2, enacted on March 11, 2021. The purpose of ESSER III is to address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students by combating learning losses, supporting social-emotional needs and ensuring a safe return to the school environment for students.…

Girls Wrestling New Addition to NPS Activities

On August 26, 2021, the Norfolk Public Schools Board of Education met for their second monthly board meeting. At the meeting the board discussed the addition of Girls Wrestling and following discussion voted to approve the pilot program for the school year. The Norfolk Girls Wrestling team will be sanctioned by the NSAA to compete during the 2021-2022 winter season. This change will not affect the…

AFS Graduation Ceremony Planned for June 24

The Alternatives for Success (AFS) graduation ceremony will be held at the Johnny Carson Field north of Norfolk Senior High on Thursday, June 24, 2021. The ceremony is set to begin at 6:00 p.m. **UPDATE: The AFS graduation is being moved indoors due to the impending weather. The ceremony will now be held at the Johnny Carson Theatre. 

The AFS program is part of the Norfolk Senior High School…

Draft Safe Return to In-Person Instruction Plan & Survey Available

The Norfolk Public Schools’ COVID-19 Return to School Committee developed our initial COVID-19 safety protocols during the summer of 2020. This plan allowed us to successfully return to in-person learning and remain in-person throughout the 2020-2021 school year. This current plan was updated in June of 2021 for the 2021-2022 school year, based upon new guidance from the Center for Disease Control…

NPS to Host Job Fair for Upcoming School Year

Norfolk Public Schools (NPS) will be hosting a job fair on June 17, 2021 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. for several positions that will be available for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. The job fair will be held at the NPS Administration Building located at 512 West Phillip Avenue in Norfolk.  

Available positions include: 

  • Paraprofessionals (Classroom, Special Education, English…

Award for Excellence Winner for May 2021

Deb Kollmar, Norfolk Senior High Job Coach, is our winner of the NPS Award for Excellence for May 2021.

Thank you, Deb Kollmar, for your dedication, hard work, and service to our students, staff, and the NPS community!

Listed below are excerpts from some of the submitted narratives of Mrs. Kollmar's nomination:

  • Deb Kollmar is one of the kindest, loving, and hard-working…