
NHS Awarded College Access Grant!

Norfolk Public Schools is excited to announce that Norfolk High School has been awarded a College Access Grant through the EducationQuest Foundation.  Norfolk Senior High School will receive $80,000 over four years to support college access programming. 

Mrs. Kendra Marshall, Guidance Counselor at NHS, told us, “We are absolutely thrilled to be a recipient of this grant from EducationQuest. …

09.17.2020 NPS News Bulletin

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September 2020 Award for Excellence Winner

And the winner is....

Update from Dr. Thompson (09.15.2020)

Dear Parents,                                 Para Espanol, vea abajo

After listening to several parents and teachers speak for and against the Orange Level/Hybrid Learning portion of our COVID-19 Return to School Plan, the Board decided to refer this plan back to the original committee that developed it…

Update from Dr. Thompson (09.11.2020)

Dear Parents,                                               Para Espanol, vea abajo

I want to thank you for working with Norfolk Public Schools during the last few weeks as we determined how we could safely offer in-person instruction to our students during this COVID pandemic.  It has been wonderful having students back in our buildings!

We are grateful for each day that we have…

09.10.2020 NPS News Bulletin

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09.03.2020 NPS News Bulletin

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08.28.2020 NPS News Bulletin

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08.20.2020 NPS News Bulletin

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NHS announces plans for fall events. (Activities Update 08.18.20)

Norfolk High School will be limiting the number of spectators at school events this fall.   Fans, parents, and students are asked to abide by these guidelines when attending an athletic event hosted by Norfolk Public Schools.

  • Attendance at NHS Athletic Events will be limited to 4 immediate family members of each participating student and coach.  This number may change based on tournament…