
Calendar Change

There will be a calendar change for Friday, December 8, 2023. The State One Act Competitions are being held at the Johnny Carson Theater and on Friday, December 8th, Class A and B schools perform. Due to a large number of expected attendees, there will be no school for students. It will be a Staff Professional Development/Work day. Again, there will be no school for ALL students (Pre-K thru 12th)…

November 2023 Award of Excellence Winner

Norfolk Public Schools is pleased to announce that Gary Obermire, Custodian, Bel Air Elementary School, is the winner of the NPS Award for Excellence for November 2023.

Thank you, Gary Obermire, for your dedication, hard work, and service to our students, staff, and the NPS community!

Listed below are excerpts from some of the submitted…

Fisher wins High School Physical Education Teacher of the Year Award

Norfolk Public Schools is proud to announce that Michelle Fisher, High School Physical Education teacher has received the High School Physical Education Teacher of the Year award from the Nebraska Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE). 

Mrs. Fisher has been teaching Physical Education at Norfolk Senior High for 20 years. She said, “It is humbling to think that another physical…

Parent Teacher Conferences

Monday, October 16th:

PreK to 8th grade- 4pm to 7pm

*Includes ALL Elementary schools, Little Panthers Preschool, Middle School and Junior High

Tuesday, October 17th: 

PreK to 4th grade and 9th-12th grade- 4pm to 7pm

*Includes ALL Elementary schools, Little Panthers Preschool and Senior High

Wednesday, October…

Believers & Achievers Award Winners

NPS is proud to announce four students that have won the Believers and Achievers Award through the NSAA and Currency.  Those recognized students are Myranda Hansen, Mailin Bertus, Elizabeth Wicker, and Molly Meier. 

The Believers & Achievers Awards are through the NSAA and Currency (sponsor). This is a state-wide awards program that recognizes Nebraska’s future leaders. Believers & Achievers…

2023-2024 Budget and Tax Proposal

The 2nd meeting in September of the Norfolk Public Schools Board of Education will be held at Noon on Thursday, September 28, 2023 at the Norfolk Public School Administration Building, 512 Phillip Avenue, Norfolk, Nebraska 68701. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct regular business including the approval of the 2023-2024 budget and tax levy.  A copy of the agenda is kept continually current…

NPS to attend Joint County Public Hearing

Norfolk Public Schools will be attending the Joint County Public Hearing on Thursday, September 21st at 6pm, at the Lifelong Learning Center.

At the board meeting on Monday, September 11th, our School Board voted not to exceed the property tax lid for the Resolution. However, the property tax growth limitation set for the Joint Public Hearing is different. It is important to attend the hearing…

2023-2024 Budget and Tax Hearing Information

The regular September meeting of the Norfolk Public Schools Board of Education will be held on Monday, September 11, 2023 at NPS Administration Building. A Budget Hearing will begin at 5:30 PM to discuss, consider and receive input on the 2023-2024 NPS Budget. A Tax Hearing will begin immediately…

September 2023 Award of Excellence Winner

Norfolk Public Schools is pleased to announce that Mandi Dahlkoetter, 1st Grade Teacher, Woodland Park Elementary School, is the winner of the NPS Award for Excellence for September 2023.

Thank you, Mandi Dahlkoetter, for your dedication, hard work, and service to our students, staff, and the NPS community!

Listed below are excerpts from some of the submitted narratives of Mrs. Dahlkoetter's…

FFA National Finalists

Norfolk FFA has three members who have qualified for the National FFA Agriscience Fair. According to FFA, "The National FFA Agriscience Fair recognizes students who gain real-world, hands-on experiences in agricultural enterprises. Students use scientific principles and emerging technologies to solve complex problems related to agriculture, food, and natural resources." Agriscience participants…