
ESU 8 Quiz Bowl Champions

Quiz Bowl team members from Norfolk Middle School and Norfolk Junior High competed in the ESU 8 Quiz Bowl on Tuesday, March 7th in Neligh.   Congratulations are in order for all who participated!  The teams well represented the Norfolk Public School District. 


The Norfolk Middle School team…

Career Academy Ground Breaking Ceremony

Join us at door 17, located near the northwest corner of Norfolk High School (near the corner of Maple Ave. and 6th Street).

Click here to access details.

Washington Elementary named a 2017 National Title I Distinguished School

Click here to access details.


NPS Joins New Coalition

February 2017

As a member of the Greater Nebraska Schools Association, the Norfolk Public Schools is proud to be a part of an exciting new coalition that consists of agriculture and educational organizations. This new coalition, Nebraskans United for Property Tax Reform and Education, shared its founding principles and membership today at the State Capitol.…

New NPS Communications Team

Dr. Thompson has created a District Communications Team which will evaluate our current communication strategies, identify strengths and weaknesses, and create a Strategic Communications Plan for the District.  Staff and Parents are being surveyed in an effort to gather as much information as possible prior to developing this plan. Parents who did not receive an email with a survey can access it…

Norfolk Middle School in the Spotlight - 'Focus on Students'

Each year we give a short presentation to the Norfolk Board of Education to showcase what the Middle School has been doing, which we refer to as Focus on Students.

At this month's school board meeting, students presented a special project grant called Kid Power for Kids.  Through a grant written by Becky Miller, fifth grade students in Kelly Konz' class are able to step…

Sophomore Career and College Day

Sophomore Career and College Day

Washington Elementary in the Spotlight - 'Focus on Students'

Each year we give a short presentation to the Norfolk Board of Education to showcase what Washington Elementary has been doing, which we refer to as Focus on Students.

Fifty-six students qualified for the English Language Learners (ELL) program that make up approximately 20% of the student population at Washington Elementary.  A group of non-English speaking…

Open House

Please join us at the Central Administration Building for an Open House on February 2, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

2017-2018 LN Montessori Kindergarten Application

Print off the application and fill out to register your child at Montessori