About Us

About Us

Little Panthers Preschool is a partnership combining the resources of the Northeast Nebraska Community Action/Head Start and Norfolk Public Schools into one high-quality program of early childhood services.

We offer developmentally appropriate learning and play opportunities for all 3 and 4 year old preschool children regardless of ability or income. Our program organizes all classroom activities around Creative Curriculum, a developmental model that includes a three-year curriculum cycle of teaching units, includes language, fine motor and cognitive skills, literacy, music and movement, and snack activities developed to coordinate with unit topics. Social and communication skills are facilitated through play and teacher-directed activities. Readiness activities for students transitioning to a school-age program the next school year include a particular emphasis on beginning math, letter recognition and sound/letter correspondence, as well as writing and fine motor skills.

Our highly qualified staff includes certified preschool teachers as well as a variety of educational specialists that can provide supports for your child to achieve long term school success! Staff members meet together on a weekly basis to plan and coordinate the curriculum across each classroom setting.

Power of Preschool

The Power of Preschool is a collaborative community of Early Childhood professionals committed to setting a standard of high quality educational experiences to provide children opportunities to be prepared for kindergarten.