

Selective Service registration is required by law for as the first part of a fair and equitable system that, if authorized by the President and Congress, would rapidly provide personnel to the Department of Defense while at the same time providing for an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors. By registering, a young man remains eligible for jobs, Federal student aid, State-based student aid in 31 states, Federally-funded job training, and U.S. citizenship for immigrant men. Men must register for selective service one month before their 18th birthday. You may be denied scholarships or a job if you have not registered.   REGISTER AT


The ASVAB is a timed multi-aptitude test, which is given at over 14,000 schools and Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) nationwide and is developed and maintained by the Department of Defense. Scores in four critical areas determine whether you're qualified to enlist in the U.S. military, and determine how qualified you are for certain military occupational specialties and enlistment bonuses. Check this site for more ASVAB information

Norfolk High offers the ASVAB Career Exploration exam every fall, usually in September or October. This is a comprehensive career planning program that includes a multiple-aptitude test battery, an interest inventory, and various career planning tools designed to help students explore the opportunities available to them. Check this site to learn more about the ASVAB Career Exploration Program


  • Nebraska Army National Guard

  • U.S. Air Force / U.S. Space Force

  • U.S. Army

  • U.S. Marine Corps

    • Regional Contact: Sgt Logan Whittington              402.430.7289

  • U.S. Navy

    • Omaha Contact: HM1 Dustan Skorcz    402.889.5707 (cell)

  • U.S. Coast Guard

    • Regional Contact: Chief R. Charles Scott, Maritime Enforcement Specialist        816.527.0441  (office)