

Aftershock's Mission is to provide a learning environment for young minds to grow beyond the school day through intentional programming.

Aftershock's Vision is to be an innovative afterschool program that provides a safe environment with diverse, prepared staff, and relevant learning opportunities that engages families and our community.

Quick Links:

Aftershock Google Site

2024-2025 Enrollment Form

2024-2025 Forma Matriculacion

Middle School Quarter 3 Sign Up Form

Junior High Quarter 3 Sign Up Form                                                                                                                    

Donate (select Aftershock as your gift designation)

About Aftershock:

Aftershock provides expanded learning opportunities through a wide variety of clubs that focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, & mathematics), art, health/wellness, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, civic engagement, and career connections. Students receive a snack right after school, attend their club, and can also take advantage of homework assistance. Aftershock normally operates right after school until 6:00 PM Monday-Friday when school is in session. 

Funded in part by the 21st Century Community Learning Center's (21st CCLC) Continuation Grant, Aftershock provides after-school and summer programming for 5th through 8th-grade students throughout the school district.  Aftershock is open to public, private, and home-schooled students, and it was established to fill a need for middle-school-aged youth in Norfolk, NE.

To register your student, please have them fill out the Sign-Up Form for the current quarter or summer. Parents must fill out an Enrollment Form for their son(s)/daughter(s). Once the forms are complete, please return them to the appropriate school, or they may be emailed to .

Aftershock welcomes parents, students, businesses, and community members to come to observe the program or volunteer their time to help make the program better.  If you are interested in helping or learning more about Aftershock, please contact us at