Past Pay Stubs, W-2s & 1095-Cs

To obtain a copy of a past pay stub, W-2, or 1095-C, your user id will be the first four letters of your last name and first four letters of your first name.  Your password is the last four digits of your Social Security Number.  For example, if your name is Robert Smith:

Click Here:    WebLink

Once you log in, you will see a blue tab across the top.  If you scroll over the Employee Information, you can choose Check History, W-2s or 1095s.  Your Check History for the last 12 months is available; your W-2s and 1095s for the last 4 years are available.



1095-C statements with respect to returns for the 2024 calendar year will be provided via paper copy to all current employees of Norfolk Public Schools.  Terminated employees that are eligible to receive a 1095-C may access a copy via WebLink or request a paper copy be mailed to them by doing one of the following:

  • Email your request to either or  
  • Call the payroll office at 402-644-2500 exts 1106 or 1168
  • Mail your request to Norfolk Public Schools Attn: Payroll Office, PO Box 139, Norfolk, NE 68702-0139