Lincoln Montessori has had a lot going on this fall.
Grandparents Day was held Friday, September 18th and was a huge success!! We had many visitors and positive reactions. The children were very excited and proud to share their classroom and school with their special guests. The children also loved having the opportunity to visit the book fair with their grandparents.
The fourth grade students, along with Mrs. Olenich's 1st and 2nd grade class, created sidewalk art for the International Day of Peace on September 21st. Peace Education is a major focus for Montessori staff and students. We want to create a peaceful classroom, school, and world for everyone as we work to learn more about each other.
Once again Parent-Teacher Conferences were a huge success. We had 100% participation from the Montessori families!! It is always good to meet with the parents and share the student's successes.
Our special Field Trips that make our curriculum come to life have begun!
· 3rd graders went to the Fire Station's Fire Simulator and learned about what to do in case of a fire.
· The 3rd and 4th grade class also received a grant from the NPS Foundation (Around the World with Henry) to travel to the Zoo and tour the Aquarium Tour.
· 3rd grade attends the Madison County Science Expo on Oct. 1st.
· Kindergartners will explore Poppy's Pumpkin Patch on Oct. 9th.