Each year we give a short presentation to the Norfolk Board of Education to showcase what the Middle School has been doing, which we refer to as Focus on Students.
At this month's school board meeting, students presented a special project grant called Kid Power for Kids. Through a grant written by Becky Miller, fifth grade students in Kelly Konz' class are able to step their way to helping third world countries. Every day in class, students wear a fitness tracker around their wrist to track how many steps they take throughout the day. The fitness trackers sync with an app on an iPad to let students know how many points they have earned by the amount of steps they have taken. On the app, there is a game component which allows students to earn even more points. By earning enough points, food packets are then packaged by UNICEF and sent to malnourished kids across the globe. Currently, Mrs. Konz' students have earned enough points to send 225 bags of food to different countries.