Norfolk Public Schools has reviewed the research on homework for elementary-aged students and decided to implement a “No Homework Policy” for our students in grades K-4. This is based on the fact that research shows that homework for students in these grades does not have a positive effect on student achievement.
We believe that our young students work hard at school all day. Rather than spending their evenings doing homework, we want them to do things that are proven to correlate with student success: eating dinner as a family, reading, playing outside, and getting to bed early. Therefore, we will not be formally assigning homework in grades K-4 this year. (However, please note: If a student exhibits off-task behaviors during the school day and fails to complete an assignment when adequate class time has been provided, the assignment will be sent home for completion).
The district is NOT making any changes to our homework policies for grades 5-12 at this time, as the research for upper grades is mixed. We need time to review this research further in order to be sure that our decision is what is best for these older students.
Please feel free to contact me, Beth Nelson (Director of Teaching and Learning), or a building principal if you have questions about this change.
Your Partner in Learning,
Jami Jo Thompson, Ed.D.