The future looks bright at Norfolk Public Schools! The last week in February, 35 individuals came together at the Norfolk Public Schools Administration Building to strategically plan for the future at Norfolk Public Schools. Planning sessions were led by consultant Dr. Larry Dlugosh over 3 consecutive days for a combined total of 14 hours. The strategic planning team was a collaboration of community members, retired teachers, teachers and guidance counselors, school staff, administration, parents, students, board of education and school foundation members.
During the first day of the planning, Superintendent Dr. Jami Jo Thompson was excited to share with the group that the goals originally set in 2013 have been fully reached. The 2013 goals stated:
1. NPS will implement and communicate a curriculum that is scoped, sequenced and aligned with state and national standards.
2. NPS will expand career awareness activities and provide course offerings in all 6 Career Cluster areas.
3. NPS will implement a comprehensive integration of technology for all students.
4. All students will demonstrate improved academic performance on grade level achievement tests.
Also on the first day, the strategic planning team received an in-depth update from NPS Administration regarding the current status of the district in regard to enrollment, facilities, academic achievement, curriculum/target based learning, human resources, accreditation, and school safety.
The following two days the team was charged with the task of evaluating the information and creating a list of 3-5 goals for the school district that can be measurable and achievable in the next 5-7 years. These goals must focus on short-term, intermediate, and long-term success of our students and staff. Upon the completion of the strategic planning session, the list of goals will be presented to the Norfolk Public Schools Board of Education for their review and consideration. The Board of Education will give final approval to the goals they feel best fulfill the mission of Norfolk Public Schools and ensure student success.
Norfolk Public Schools sincerely thanks all that participated in these planning sessions. Your time and valuable input is greatly appreciated!
It is the vision of Norfolk Public Schools to be a top-performing school that provides outstanding educational opportunities for every student and is a source of pride and an asset to our community.
The mission of Norfolk Public Schools is to prepare all students to pursue their goals for the future.