I am pleased to announce that Kathy Naranjo: Guidance Counselor at Washington Elementary School is our winner of the NPS Award for Excellence for January 2019.
Thank you Mrs. Naranjo for all of your dedication, hard work, and service to our students and the NPS community!
Listed below are excerpts from some of the submitted narratives of Mrs. Naranjo's nomination:
- Although technically a guidance counselor, Kathy is also a social worker for students and their parents. She connects families to needed resources that ultimately enhance student learning.
- Kathy makes Washington a better place for students and families. She spends countless hours getting food packages ready for students, translating for parent-teacher conferences, preparing guidance lessons, reaching out to families for Prime Time, and being a part of the Washington SAT team.
- As our guidance counselor, she knows every student in the school and makes it a point to know each student as an individual. She is very knowledgeable in her job, has a great rapport with parents, and assists teachers in many ways.
Please congratulate Kathy on this well-deserved award!