Mrs. Connie Ingram: Guidance Secretary at Norfolk Senior High School is our winner of the NPS Award for Excellence for May 2019.
Thank you, Mrs. Ingram, for your dedication, hard work, and service to our students and the NPS community!
Listed below are excerpts from some of the submitted narratives of Mrs. Ingram's nomination:
- In terms of Mrs. Ingram's office skills and efficiency, we could say she is second to none! She does a great job problem solving and she is adept at coming up with new ideas to successfully navigate difficult challenges involving class schedules.
- Mrs. Ingram consistently makes our jobs easier through her knowledge of Infinite Campus and her willingness to learn new things.
- Mrs. Ingram is not afraid of a challenge or to jump into a new task. In fact, we think she enjoys it, which is what makes working with her so awesome.
- Mrs. Ingram is the first face students see when they walk into the guidance office. She greets each student in a friendly manner and she is able to get them the information they need or point them in the right direction.
- Mrs. Ingram is a compassionate person who cares deeply about students. She dedicates time outside of school to work with students in her church youth group, she is a Teammates mentor, and she regularly helps at school activities.
- Mrs. Ingram shows empathy and is always willing to lend an ear.
- Mrs. Ingram goes "above and beyond" in the accomplishment of her daily duties.
- Connie has taken on her role in the guidance office with expertise and efficiency.
- When you work next to a person like Connie, you are motivated to do your best.
Please congratulate Mrs. Ingram on this well-deserved award!