On the evening of November 19, 2019, forty-one people gathered at the Central Administration building of Norfolk Public Schools to discuss and develop plans for the future of Target-Based Grading. The committee consisted of school board members, teachers, guidance counselors, district administration, principals, parents, and students. Included in the evening’s activities were a presentation overview of the current Target-Based Grading system and a review of feedback shared by staff, parents and students.
The committee also broke into small groups to discuss five specific topics:
Conversion Charts
Each small group was charged with the task to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT analysis) of their topic and to form recommendations for the future. This committee is making plans to meet again in the near future.
Norfolk Public Schools would like to thank these people for their time and commitment to the success of our students. The school district is eager to hear feedback regarding the Target-Based Grading process and are willing to make changes needed to ensure a successful outcome. If you would like additional information regarding Target-Based Grading please visit the school’s website or contact Mrs. Beth Nelson, Director of Teaching and Learning, at bethnelson@npsne.org or 402-644-2500.